For my concentration, I would like to do 7 pieces of artwork. They will be themed around the 7 days of creation but instead of just the seven days of creation, I will show what God created and how I see God in them. Also, how I See God through religions other than my own- each piece will be in the style of a different religion. I will introduce more and more color as the “creation” progresses to convey a sense of the universe coming alive.
Certain religions believe different things about the way we were created, but almost all of them have the same idea of creation. I will create a border out of copper foil with a similar design on -each that will be a combination of all the different styles that will be incorporated into this series. Also at the bottom of the frame, I will have a phrase or sentence out of the verse that inspired the work that the border is framing. I am using 5 different religions for my pieces. Since I am Christian, I decided to make the first, middle, and last piece of Christian influence.
Spencer Williams did one piece that I really like of a lion called ‘Aslan’. I don’t think that my timeframe will allow me to be that detailed, but I would like to mostly keep to that style of sort of dream like magnificence for the Christian pieces. Taoist art is very much focused on line. There are many pieces with just the shapes of the figures in them. I will focus most of my attention on the lines and figures of my subject matter. For my Islamic inspired piece, I will concentrate on patterns and designs. Much Islamic art is done in buildings or on fabric. They are always very balanced without much of a focal point. While I will put subject matter in my art, I will incorporate the elements of repetition and balance into my piece. For the Jewish inspired piece, I will keep it very 2-D and flat but with lots of small designs. I noticed that in many Jewish artworks there are very few completely organic shapes. Charles Fazzino’s work shows this very nicely. I will be sure to incorporate this style in my Jewish inspired piece. Hindu art is all about color. There is not a ton of life like, realistic figures in them. The figures of people and animals are sort of cartoon-y. There is texture on things other than people. I will mainly use color and texture in my Hindu inspired piece.
In my earlier pieces especially, I will use pencils and charcoal. As I introduce the color I will use colored pencils, watercolor, and acrylic paint. These are in order of when I will introduce them into my works.
the scale of the work
Since I have a very limited timeframe, my pieces will not be extraordinarily large. I will keep them all the same size- around 20x15.
1: Christian- Heaven, Earth, Light- Day, Dark- Night
"In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth." Gen 1:1
2: Taoism- Skies (clouds from the oceans)
"And God said 'let there be light.'" Gen 1:3
3: Islamic- Dry Land- Earth- Mountains and valleys, Seas, Plants
And God called the dry land Earth, and gathering of the waters He called Seas." Gen 1:10
4: Christian- Seasons, Days, Years, Sun, Moon, Stars
"...and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years." Gen 1:14
5: Judaism- Birds, Fish, Animals
"And god blessed them, saying, 'Be fruitful and mulitply'" Gen 1:22
6: Hinduism- Land Creatures- Cattle, Creepy Things, People
"Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness." Gen 1:26"
7: Christian- Day of Rest
"And God saw that it was good." Gen 1:10
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